For me Sweden will for ever be synonymous with trees, thousands of miles of trees. We’ve seen a few cool sights. Elk. Three of them, each on separate occasions. Huge and lumbering, they look like creatures from a different time (as indeed they are). Reindeer. A single male, and then a complete delight as a […]
Commissioning your camper van. Hints and tips from the road.

Thanks for all the van spec questions on text and email asking what’s good and what’s not about ArchieVan. If you think that we can help you to spec your van better just drop me a note on As we’ll be gently cruising down through the forested tunnel of northern Sweden for a few […]
Sweden. You’d better like green.

Sitting outside of the port of Gothenburg 150 large ships await instructions from hedge fund managers. In their penthouse suites the guys in control watch prices move until the right moment to dock. Our vast Stena Line ferry glides by on battery power taking us a long way into the city, past calm sweet islands […]