Butterfly walk. I forgot to write about the butterfly walk we did from the campsite at Podlesok. It wasn’t called that, it was through the Pilska Dolina (Pilska Valley), but as we progressed we quickly became aware of the thousands of the delicate little flutterers. The valley is billed as the most quiet in the […]
Back on the road.

We’ve risked the softening effect of creature comforts. We’ve been nearly two weeks under roofs, with beds, showers, toilets and cookers. It’s time to move on, if only locally. We booked a few days in the Levoca house for Polly’s convalescence, and then a few more for our friends Paul and Heather to come and […]

Culture. They’re at home. They’re probably right. When the German driver doesn’t acknowledge your death defying manoeuvre that gives them easy passage. When the French waitress is utterly unmoved by your tip. When the Eastern European doesn’t smile back when you grin your very best. Or when the Greek lights up a cigarette beside you […]
Leaving Austria. Heading east.

Portugal. Portugal? Yes. Portugal. I spent last week on a job with a film production company driving and sorting stuff behind the scenes. It’s something I used to do a few times a year, but generally in and around Manchester. This time it was on the Algarve. The beaches are beautiful. The temperature was about […]
Rolling on. Slovakia 6 and Romania.

Saturdays. Finally I understand Slovakian Saturdays. Whereas in Britain everyone seems to go to the shops, here the shops all shut. Saturday is the day when people get married. And if you’re not getting married you, hope to be invited to someone else’s wedding where you might meet someone to marry. Otherwise you go to […]
The High Tatras. Slovakia. Part 5.

The pretty green car? A Tatra from the Tatras. These were only available to the most important people in society (in the Communist system where everyone was equal), so even if you had the money you couldn’t buy one unless you were the right sort. Surprisingly when communism collapsed so did their market. Shame really, […]