Rosewall Hill, a circular walk above St Ives.

    The B3306 road from St Just to St Ives is deservedly ranked among the best drives in Britain.

    It’s not a long road, only around 13 miles, but it’s worth taking your time over, and exploring in depth.

    There are so many different bits to see here.

    We’re still finding new areas after years of regularly pulling off the road and getting out for a stank, either with an OS map to guide us, or simply taking the route as it comes.

    This walk is particularly good for offering views of both coasts.

    Yesterday we parked at Consols, best known for its mill pond where many gather to launch model boats every Good Friday.

    The Mill Pond at Consols.

    We followed Towednack Lane for the best part of a mile, with views getting ever more interesting to look back on.

    The footpath across the fields is clearly marked. As you climb be sure to look behind you as the view to St Michaels Mount and the whole of the south coast of West Penwith opens up.

    When the path started descending the north side of Rosewall Hill so the views over St Ives became better extending way beyond Portreath in the far distance.

    The view over St Ives Bay from Trevalgan Hill.

    We stopped for lunch near a spring with a dilapidated water tank that proved to be a whole ecosystem in miniature. Newts, lots of newts, cohabit the tank with tadpoles, water boatmen and all sorts of other little beasties.

    There’s a whole watery world wriggling in this tank!

    Heading onwards we cross the B3306 at a parking bay that’s useful for approaching the walk from another angle. After the main road it’s a short climb up to the top of Trevalgan Hill and now a new aspect gives you far reaching views over the north coast from Clodgy Point at the west end of St Ives towards, and probably beyond Zennor Head.

    At Trevalgan campsite you pick up the old church path and pass through Trowan before turning up the lane to the excellent Hellesveor site and crossing the rad back to the Consols pond.

    The circuit is just over 4 miles. We took a couple of hours as we had a long and lazy picnic lunch with a view. You see both coasts and walk varied terrain.

    After the walk we drove along the original lane to visit the sweet little church at Towednack, and then stopped off for a Moomaid ice cream above Zennor.

    Towednack Church
    If you saw the handsome vicarage you’d understand why they stayed so long!

    2 Replies to “Rosewall Hill, a circular walk above St Ives.”

    1. Great circular. Could you maybe put up a map then pin the named viewpoints – don’t want to miss any of my them!

    2. How lovely! Will give it a go.

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