Wrap. Unwrapped. Four years ago we were stupidly excited at the transformation of ArchieVan from one time delivery vehicle to a gorgeous, but subtle, camper that was to be home for three years. We spent a rather large sum getting the van wrapped in a wonderfully coloured Avery product called Midnight Sand. We fitted sexy 18” […]
The Cornish Wanderer
Wales 2021. A mini tour.
Oxwich Bay. How we got here can come later. We’re here right now and for once the rain has paused. Wales. Good with rain. ArchieVan is parked up at the end of the car park at The Oxwich Bay Hotel. Few car parks are romantic, but with a ridge of trees towering behind us and […]
A St Just Lockdown Diary.
The 4th November dawned clear and bright. I was in the fields when the sun peeped over the horizon above Hailglower Farm. The morning was crisp, but the chill of pre-dawn was soon chased away by the sun. Footpaths were busy with dog walkers and birders. All had a spring in their stride brought on by […]
Home coming.
Is this the most important post of all? After 30 months and 40,000 miles ArchieVan rolled back into St Just on October 5th. Rolled is pretty accurate, the turbo was playing up constantly. Every 20 miles we’d lose power and need to switch off to re-boot the engine. It didn’t matter. For so long the […]
England. Heading north.
North. The M1 crawls north. Five lanes, yet still there are too many cars. Hold-ups ahead make the A1M more attractive. The flatlands stretch in every direction. The curiosity that is the chain of Pulse and Cocktail Lounges. They’re not seen anywhere but on this particular road. I assume they’re seedy. I dare not research […]
ArchieVan heads north.
ArchieVan heads north. That could be a ridiculous title, after all ArchieVan started heading north back in May when we were released from the Cretan lockdown. But when it’s another country north is just a direction, when you get to England north is The North, a place, a culture, an attitude. Rothenburg ODT. A week […]